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Trade indices CFDs with Eurotrader

Track the overall performance of baskets of stocks and cherry-pick from the most popular indices to trade.

Want to diversify your portfolio?

Indices CFD trading is a great way to diversify your portfolio, as it gives you exposure to an entire stock market instead of just one particular stock.

CFDs allow you to speculate on an index’s price movements (i.e., whether its value will go up or down). One perk of indices CFD trading is that you can trade across more hours than most other markets, meaning more opportunities to tap into!

Real-time indices prices

  Sell Spread Buy %
116.49 5 117.49 -4.2%
FTSE 100
FTSE 100
112.49 1 113.49 2%
Dow Jones
Dow Jones
113.49 2 114.49 1.2%
114.49 3 115.49 -2.2%
S&P 500
S&P 500
115.49 4 116.49 3.2%
Explore Eurotrader’s full range of indices →

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Watch and learn how to trade indices CFDs with the help of Eurotrader Academy’s video courses!

Index snippets

US100 should actually be US100+ as it hosts more than 100 stocks.

After the 1929 market crash, the Dow took 25 years to bounce back to the pre-crash level!

Dow Jones index took its name from its founders and journalists, Charles Bergstresser, Charles Dow and Edward Jones.

To be included in the S&P 500, companies must have a market cap of at least $6.1 billion and be listed on a major US exchange.

Indices trading explained

AUS200, HK50, JP225, ES35: can you see a pattern? National indices are usually named after the country’s ISO Alpha-2 code and the number of stocks included in the index.

Apart from national indices, there are also sector indices too. Take, for instance, US100, which tracks 103 (yep, not 100) equity securities issued by 100 (got it?) non-financial companies listed on Nasdaq.

Want to learn more about indices? Head to our beginner’s guide to find your feet in indices trading.

Take me to the guide
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Risk warning: FX and CFD trading involves a high risk of loss.

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